New Neighbors

"Tara, from today on, you are part of my family. This is your engagement gift from Indah. Save it," Bima said, welcoming Tara as a new member of his family.

Maria immediately took out the box given by Indah and opened it in front of Tara. It contained a set of jewelry made of diamonds.

There were a pair of earrings, a bracelet and a sparkling diamond ring. One set of this jewelry alone was worth hundreds of millions of rupiah.

Tara's eyes widened with fear. Indah was Lisa's aunt. That meant, this jewelry set should be an engagement gift for Lisa. But in the end, this had to be given to her as an apology.

Even though the jewelry was very beautiful and expensive, Tara couldn't accept it.

"Thank you for your kindness, grandfather. But I can't accept such an expensive gift. Every day I work at the clinic and I can't use this. If I keep it at home, I'm afraid I'll lose it," Tara refused gently.