
Harris was downstairs, chatting with Hana for a moment before going upstairs to meet Aiden.

"Sir, I have already told my mother. How long will I be away this time?" Harris asked.

"Three days. After the DNA test results come out, make sure you bring it yourself. Don't let anyone touch the test results," said Aiden.

"I understand," Harris received two hair samples. When he saw it, he knew that the two long hairs belonged to a woman.

One of them was black, while the other was brownish. If Harris had guessed correctly, the brown hair was Maria's hair, while the black one was probably Nana's.

The task given by Aiden concerned the Atmajaya family matters. If only Aiden could go alone, he would go to drop off and get the test results himself. However, because of the Natali case,he had to give this important task to Harris.

Harris was well aware that he had to be very careful.

"Today is Anya's birthday. Come have dinner with us," said Aiden.