The Best Way

"Don't be sad mom. Even if you can't find Nana, there's still me. As long as we don't give up, we'll definitely find her," Nico said, hugging his mother.

Tears welled in Maria's eyes again as she was unable to tell the truth to Nico. She hoped she didn't know all this. She hopes none of this was true.

Her biological daughter… How could that be?

"Maria, all of this is because of Atmajaya's name. It's the fate of all the girls born into the Atmajaya family that made you lose your daughter twice," Bima said regretfully.

Nico could only scratch his head. "Grandfather, why do you still think like that? We are already in modern times, don't believe in mystical things like that. All of this is just an accident. After all, there was a big scandal back then and it wasn't just my sister who disappeared. Didn't the daughter from the Pratama Family also disappear?"