The Role of a Friend

"Should I wait for them to kick me out? I feel like my turn will come after you. I couldn't stay there any longer," Tara said.

When she heard this, Anya's heart felt bitter.

It turned out that Tara thought that way.

Anya knew that Tara was not as confident as she looked. She could only solve her problem in the simplest way.

It was true that she loved Nico and that guy was the only one who could break through the shield that she built around her. But seeing what Anya had been experiencing, Tara immediately ran away.

"When did you leave the house?" Anya asked in a low voice.

"The day the Atmajaya family wanted to abort your baby. That day, Aiden told me to check on you. After coming home from your house, I immediately packed my things and went home," Tara said.

"Does your grandfather know?" Anya asked again.