Day of Operation

"Nico, don't you really know anything?"

"I can only guess, but I think my guess is ridiculous. Maybe I thought too much," Nico tried to smile, but somehow his face felt stiff.

"What's your guess?" Anya asked.

"Nothing," Nico shook his head. "What did Tara say to Auntie?"

"She actually didn't want to leave you. But she loved herself more than she loved anyone else. If you are willing to give up all your status and surname one day, she is willing to pay for you for the rest of her life," Anya conveyed Tara's words without adding or subtracting them.

"Maybe you won't believe it, Auntie. It's not really that I don't want to give up everything, but if I really did, my grandfather would never forgive Tara and her grandfather. I can't do that," Nico didn't hide the sadness in his eyes. His head was slightly bowed.