Killing You All

"Sir, where are you now? I called my mother before going to the airport. Before getting on the plane, I also tried to call her again but no one answered. I also tried calling the house, but no one picked up. I feel something strange, nobody picked up the phone," Harris said.

"What?" Aiden was silent for a moment.

"I feel worried. Did something happen in your house? I'll be leaving soon, so I have to turn off my cell phone," Harris asked anxiously. 

"Let me take care of it. You bring Nadine back to Indonesia," Aiden hung up and walked over to Bima. "Where did you send Sister Maria?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Your sister is printing the picture," Bima continued to evade. "Just wait, she will be back in a moment."

"If I see her in my house, I will kill all of you!" Aiden immediately ran outside, towards his car.