Two Hours

"What's up with her? Why are her hands so cold?" Aiden asked frantically.

The doctor who accompanied Anya immediately explained. "Sir, the operation was successful and we managed to stop the bleeding. Miss Anya lost quite a lot of blood and the temperature inside the operating room was low so that her hands felt cold. After returning to her room, she will recover,"

After that, Anya was sent back to her room. Once she woke up, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Nico and Tara came to visit her, but they could only see from outside the door. Aiden didn't let them in and immediately kicked them out.

Raka knew that Aiden did not let anyone visit Anya, but he still had the courage to come.

Luckily, Aiden let him in as a thank you for helping Anya when he couldn't be there.

Anya's face was as white as a paper. Even though she was asleep, her eyes were still shedding tears.