Showing His Face

"Sir, Mr Nico is doing a live broadcast. It looks like he is having dinner at Mrs Diana's house. He said he would show the beautiful women who had dinner with him today," Harris said carefully. "Did he mean ..."

As soon as he heard Harris' words, Aiden took over the cellphone and saw comments from people who appeared on the screen.

Even though Anya's face was not recorded, Aiden could immediately recognize it when Anya passed the camera.

"Don't these people have anything else to do?" Aiden said coldly.

He was annoyed by the comments from men who wanted to see Anya's face. How dare they want to see Anya's face!

"Mr. Nico usually broadcasts live late at night," Harris said.

Nadine was also curious as she heard about that. She also wanted to see her brother's live broadcast. She had not dared to see him all this time for fear of being discovered.