Why Has It To Be This Painful?

"Anya, I owe you. Let me redeem it and help you find your parents," Aiden said.

Anya looked into Aiden's clear eyes and could feel his sincerity. The man really wanted to help her.

With Aiden's help, she might really find her parents faster.

"Thank you. I will send the information to you," Anya took out her cell phone and was about to send the information her mother had told her to Aiden. When she wanted to send it, she asked, "Is your cell phone number still the same?"

"Hmm..." Aiden replied.

"I thought you changed your number, or deleted mine. I haven't heard from you in two years," Anya smiled bitterly and sent the information to Aiden's cell phone.

Aiden didn't know how to answer.

For two years, Aiden always paid attention to her social media even though he didn't contact her. He also went to France to visit her several times, but Anya didn't know about it.

"I rarely use my cell phone. But I never blocked you," Aiden said.