
Anya was forced to give Harris her bicycle key and steeled her courage to walk towards Aiden's car.

A raging storm?

How could she face Aiden at a time like this?

Aiden returned to the Atmajaya Family house and made a big fuss. He seemed to have found out that the real Nadine had been found and Anya was not Maria's daughter.

However, due to the misunderstanding that had occurred, the two of them had to separate two years ago and even lost their child.

Aiden must be furious.

When Anya found out the truth, she too couldn't accept everything and was very angry.

But everything had passed. What's the point of getting angry now?

Even getting angry would not bring her child back to life…

Maria's health condition was also very bad and Anya didn't want to make things worse.

Her footsteps stopped in front of Aiden's car door and her hand immediately went up to knock on the window.