Coming for Lunch

"Auntie, didn't Alisa cry last night?" Nadine asked.

"Alisa cried all night, looking for her father. I can't sleep until dawn. I'm still sleepy now," Anya yawned as she said that. "You don't have money to fill gas, but I have a way to make extra money."

"How?" Nadine's eyes lit up brightly and looked at Anya expectantly.

If she could earn money, she wouldn't have to ride a bicycle when she went to work!

"There are many office buildings near the mall. Try to post on your social media, maybe your followers need a lift in the same area. Tell them that if they want to ride with you, they only need to pay gas money," Anya said.

Nadine nodded at this. "That's a good idea. In addition, if I get them from my social media, it means that they're from places nearby and are not dangerous. It will be much better if they're fellow women."

Nadine immediately posted on her social media, looking for people who wanted to ride in her car.