Deep Sleep

"Are you worried?" When he opened his eyes again, Aiden could see Anya's face clearly.

That face looked worried when looking at him….

"Even though we are not husband and wife anymore, I don't want anything bad to happen to you," Anya said with a serious look. Even though they were ano longer married, at least they could become friends.

Aiden reached out his hand to caress Anya's face. "I'll be fine as long as you are by my side. Anya, come back to me..."

"We can't go back to what we were before," Anya looked away. She fastened her seat belt and started driving.

Anya didn't want to let her heart hurt again like before. She really didn't want to hate Aiden anymore because the man hadn't done anything wrong so far. Aiden was also a victim, just like her.

But that didn't mean Anya wanted to get back together with Aiden again.