
"Take me to the island and pick me up in three days."

Island? What island?

"I want to go home. Let me go home!" When she heard that Aiden was about to go to another place, Anya felt even more panicked. She really wanted to go home!

Aiden massaged his sore forehead and said in a cold voice, "If you keep making noise, I'll throw you out of here."

Anya was shocked to hear that. She looked at Aiden fearfully, but was still reluctant to come with him. "Can I ask for a parachute? Or looking for a place to land so I can go home by myself…" she asked in a low voice.

"There is no parachute. If you want to get off, just jump from here," Aiden said on purpose. Of course he wouldn't let Anya go home alone.

Anya looked up and looked out the window. She saw that the helicopter had flown so high. It would be crazy if she dared to jump from here.