
Their feet stepped towards the ocean. Every time the waves rolled, Aiden would carry Anya so she wouldn't get wet all over her body. And once the wave came back to the ocean, he would lower her back down.

Even though they only simply enjoyed their time together, Anya was very happy.

The next wave was about to come, bigger than before.

Anya immediately hugged Aiden tightly, "Carry me!"

The man immediately returned her hug and lifted her from the ground, "Why are you so big yet so light? You have to take care of your health,"

"I'll be a parfumeur later. How could I work without a healthy body? Don't worry, I'll take care of myself," Anya said with a smile. Then, she tapped Aiden on the shoulder, gesturing for him to put her down.

Aiden immediately lowered her to the ground gently, "There is a bonfire party tonight. Do you want to come?"

"Bonfire party? Of course!" Anya's eyes sparkle.