Raisa Returns

"When you come back later, come to Mother's house. Nico planned to propose to Tara in the garden," Anya said from the phone.


Aiden remembered when he and Anya got married. At that time, Anya was desperately in need. She never had a romantic proposal by the man she loved.

They just went to the civil registry office and got their marriage certificate right away.

"Do women like to be proposed like that?" Aiden asked.

"Of course. That's very romantic. We've even been looking for photographers to capture their moments. Tara still doesn't know about this plan," Anya said excitedly.

Aiden listened to the story while in deep thought. Then he replied, "I'll be back as soon as I can to witness their joyful moments,"

"You also take care of your health. Hurry up and sleep, don't stay up late," Anya remembered Aiden's headache and realized that it was late at night.

"Good night," Aiden hung up the phone with a smile.