Locked in the Hotel

The first floor of the hotel was a Chinese-themed restaurant, while the second floor was for its western counterpart. Meanwhile, the gym was on the third floor, karaoke place on fourth and the fifth floor and above were the rooms for overnight stays.

Raisa looked at the elevator and looked at the floor figures curiously. She wanted to know where Nadine had gone.

The number of elevators continued up until it stopped at the top floor. Who did Nadine meet there that she went to the largest and most luxurious room on the top floor?

Raisa couldn't stop herself and finally contacted Nico, "Nico, guess who I saw?"

"My aunt. Do you think I didn't know that you went to Iris and caused trouble there?" Nico said irritably.

"No, I met your sister," said Raisa.

"Which sister?" Nico became indifferent. Since he found his long lost two younger siblings, he had become poor and penniless because they never stopped to ask him for money.