No Need For Permission

"Auntie, this is Nico. Something happened to Nadine. Someone deliberately lured Nadine to a hotel and arranged for her to meet Jonathan while he's under the influence of drugs… "

Tears immediately escaped her eyes when she heard the news. How did all this happen?

"How is Nadine doing now?" Anya asked in a choked voice.

"Nadine is still checked now. If Jonathan really did it... "

"Miss Nadine just fainted. Nothing happened to her. She will wake up soon." Suddenly, a doctor came over to Nico and reported the results of his examination.

"What did you say?" Nico was momentarily stunned.

Anya could hear the doctor's words from across the phone, but her tears were streaming down even more. She cried because she was relieved that nothing had happened to Nadine.

She thought someone was deliberately tricking the two of them so that Nadine and Jonathan get married. But fortunately, none of this happened.