Defeating Anya

"What did she say?" Nico asked.

"Mother said she would come and cook for us. She will bring us the fish and other ingredients," Nadine replied with a laugh. "Mother is the best."

When she heard that Maria was coming tonight, Anya didn't know how to deal with her mixed feelings.

When Imel humiliated her and Tara at the Atmajaya Family house last night, Maria was the one who defended them.

After preparing dinner, Maria was exhausted and returned to her room to rest. She didn't even go to dinner with them.

Anya didn't have a chance to talk to her at all.

But she felt very relieved and happy when she saw Maria's condition was much better than when she met her at the old house of the Atmajaya family.

She couldn't blame Maria for what happened to her two years ago.

They were both victims.

And the culprit was none other than Keara!