Seeking a Way

"Indah, don't think too much about it. Keara loves you like her own mother. As soon as she realizes her mistake and aborts her pregnancy, you can undergo the surgery," Galih said, comforting her.

Indah only smiled bitterly to hear it. "She even did artificial insemination just to be with Aiden. How could she possibly give up after all that struggle? Don't worry, I can live without her help. Even if she wants to donate her liver, I don't want to accept it."

"I will save you. I will find a suitable donor for you without Keara's help," Galih replied.

Indah didn't care about her health anymore but then she remembered something. "I met Anya today. She said he was looking for her parents. In your opinion, is it possible that Anya is our daughter? I thought Anya was your child with Diana. But I just found out that Anya was Diana's adopted daughter."

"Indah, our child has..."