Not My Child

"Why? Why didn't she want me? I am her child, right?" Anya asked tearfully.

Aiden wiped her tears and hugged her tightl., "No matter what the result will be, I don't suggest you donate your liver."

"Aiden, I don't want to look for my parents anymore," Anya buried her head in the man's arms and cried.

"Good. Then we won't be searching for them anymore," Aiden patted Anya's back gently, trying to comfort her.

After that, he did not continue his investigation.

He already investigated the DNA test results two years ago and found out about Anya's parents, both of them involved the Pratama Family. Aiden was absolutely sure that Galih and Indah were Anya's parents.

Two years ago, Toni helped Keara to manipulate the DNA test result to prevent Anya from returning to the Pratama Family. He was worried that Keara would be rivalled over the rights for inheritance.