Coming Home on Engagement Day

Upon hearing this, Anya felt confused.

Ivan wanted to meet Heru. There must be something he wanted to confirm.

Anya took Aiden's hand and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"I am just kidding. Are you tired?" Aiden saw Anya's exhausted face and embraced her.

It was true Aiden said, she was very tired today. She immediately leaned her body in the man's arms and let him support her.

"I want to go home. Are you done?" Anya asked.

Ivan's eyes were still on Aiden, waiting for an answer from him.

"Harris will take you there tomorrow afternoon." After saying that, Aiden left with Anya.

Raisa took a deep breath seeing Aiden taking his leave from there. She was really scared, especially when she heard Aiden's joke earlier. "Brother, I was so scared to death. Who do you want to meet?"

"My acquaintance. You must be tired. I'll take you home," Ivan said very politely.

Nico and Tara had been living together since they got engaged.