Two Slaps

After two years of separation, Aiden and Anya could finally get back together. Anya was pregnant, but then Aiden suddenly experienced such a horrible incident.

Even though Maria had told her that the bullet did not hit the dangerous part, Anya was still worried about her husband.

Aiden hadn't come out of the operating room, making Anya anxious for not hearing any news about him again.

Was the operation successful?

Would Aiden be alright?

Maria tried to calm Anya down by telling her various things. "Let me tell you about Nico and Aiden's childhood. Since childhood, Nico has been flirtatious with girls. When he was in elementary school, he invited his girl classmate to come over to the house. But when she saw Aiden, the girl immediately liked Aiden. Nico kept crying and screaming because..."

"Mother, why are you telling us that?" Nico arrived just as Maria told Anya about the incident. He immediately stopped her.