Begging for Love

One week later, Aiden was allowed to go home from the hospital because his condition was getting better. He no longer needed to use a wheelchair after undergoing therapy.

Anya had come home first from the hospital since her fever had gone down. She was just too tired and couldn't sleep well because she didn't have Aiden beside her. After one day in the hospital, her condition had recovered.

Plus, Aiden was already awake from his coma. The happy news certainly made Anya's spirit to recover even stronger.

Every day, Diana came to deliver the fresh vegetables she grew for Anya and Aiden. She also accompanied Anya every day because she was worried about her daughter's condition.

Not only Diana, Tara, Nico, Harris and Nadine also came to visit every day. They came for breakfast and dinner together with Anya. They even came for lunch every weekend. Anya and Aiden's house felt like a hall for a party every day.