Meeting for the First Time

Nadine got up from her chair and approached Anya. "Auntie, I'm fine. I'm glad you are fine too. Rather than worrying about myself, I was more worried about what if I didn't check the bed at that time and got you hurt. Two years ago, my stupidity caused you to separate from my uncle, and made you lose your child. This time, I found the knife and saved you. Let's just say we're even. Don't feel guilty. I can't bear to face you if we keep going like this," Nadine said, stroking Anya's back.

Aiden also rose to his feet then squatted beside Anya's chair and wiped her tears. "Stop it. Everything is alright. Look, the six of us can still be together."

Anya lifted her head and looked at Nadine. She said with tears still streaming down her face, "Nadine, your uncle and I don't blame you for what happened two years ago."