Orchid Flowers

"Father, if you didn't intend to match Nadine with another man, Mrs. Hana would not have asked Salim Mawardi for a favor. Harris is a responsible man. You also know him since childhood. He and Nadine love each other. It's better if we don't involve ourselves with the Mawardi family. What if people think that Nadine is married to Halim Mawardi? After all, no one knows that Harris is the son of Salim Mawardi," Aiden tried to warn of the worst case that could happen.

"Grandpa, I think uncle is right. Everyone out there knows that the Mawardi family only has one son named Halim. If the Atmajaya family announced their relationship with the Mawardi family, everyone would think that Nadine is married to Halim," said Nico.