Having Two Mothers

"Anya, can you call me mother?" Indah didn't tell Anya that she would have her surgery today.

She was afraid that the operation would not go smoothly. She was also afraid that she would never see her daughter again. Until now, she had never even heard Anya call her mother.

Anya pursed her lips tightly and took a deep breath. But the word 'mother' couldn't come out of her mouth.

She knew that Indah was her mother, but calling her mother was not easy.

For Anya, her mother was Diana and nobody could replace Diana in her life.

Seeing Anya looking confused, Indah took the initiative to change the subject. "How are you after being discharged from the hospital?"

"I... I'm so fat right now," Anya deliberately brought her camera closer so that Indah could see her face clearly.

Indah nodded. "Aiden must be taking very good care of you."