Returning to the Hospital

"Keara, it was true that I admired you back then. But now, you disgust me a lot. Do you intend to kill yourself after committing many crimes? How could I let you pay for all your mistakes at such a low price?" Aiden held Keara's hand tightly, not allowing her to escape and head for freedom.

He ignored his injured hand and tried his best to pull Keara up.

The doctors and nurses immediately helped Aiden to restrain Keara and had her injected with a sedative. She kept struggling, kicking, scratching, biting anyone who came near her.

Keara finally calmed down after the injection took effect. To prevent her from doing anything extreme, the police immediately handcuffed her hands to the hospital bed's frame.

When Aiden came out of Keara's room, Galih saw the blood on the back of his hand. He immediately asked someone to treat it.

"Come on in. I'm fine," Aiden said calmly.