Power Down

"We have struggled hard to get here. I hope that our lives will continue to get better. If Aiden is mean to you, go back to me. Let me take care of you!" Diana held Anya's hand tightly.

She would never let anyone hurt her daughter, even if Anya was not her real daughter.

For her, her relationship with Anya was much deeper than blood relations.

Anya looked at Aiden with a seductive smile. "You hear that? You have to be nice to me. Otherwise I'll go back to Mother's house."

Aiden smiled back when he heard that. "I will take care of you for the rest of my life. You're and will always be my number one."

Anya had two wonderful mothers. When Mona wanted to harm her, one of her mothers immediately restrained Mona and held her back, while the other immediately caught the knife Mona was carrying.

They both loved Anya, even more than themselves. They didn't even care if they had to die from getting stabbed with that knife.