Playing Alone

On the third day after Anya was discharged from the hospital, a fire broke out in the pediatrics area.

Aiden had expected that someone would come and intend to harm his children again so he had prepared everything.

Before the fire could grow, the flames were immediately extinguished.

Even though Aiden managed to catch the arsonist, he still couldn't find out who was behind it all.

This terrified their family. Galih and Indah were increasingly alert and tried to keep from blurting out where Anya actually was.

Everyday, the first thing Anya did when she woke up was to go to Arka and Aksa's room, making sure that her two sons were fine.

Aiden had everything prepared, from arranging Arka and Aksa's room in such a way that it'd be suitable for his two premature sons. He also hired specialized professional medical staff under the supervision of the Atmajaya Group to take care of them.

With this, Anya could look after their children in peace.