
"Mother, this is Anya. What has happened to you...?" Anya bursted into tears as she looked at her mother from outside the glass window. She couldn't get close, she could only look at her from afar.

Anya banged on the glass, as if trying to wake her mother.

"Anya, your mother will be sad if you are like this," Indah approached her and hugged her to calm her down.

Anya was crying uncontrollably. She did not expect to see her mother in this condition again. She felt that her mother's life had been very hard and thought that she could finally live happily until the end of her life.

But reality said otherwise. Diana was lying back in this cold hospital bed.

"Forgive me. This is all my fault. I couldn't take good care of her..." Aiden said, blaming himself.

"What really happened? Mother was fine yesterday. Why is she like this now?" Anya's eyes turned red, not from tears, but from anger.