Postpartum Depression

Anya fell asleep in Aiden's arms while waiting in the corridor in front of the ICU.

Aiden carried her slowly, not wanting to wake her and took her to the VVIP room to rest. After that, he asked his bodyguards to stand guard in the ICU and notified them that something had happened.

Anya slept until ten in the morning. When she opened her eyes, she found her mother lying in the bed next to her. She immediately smiled seeing her mother there.

"Aiden..." she called softly.

Aiden immediately approached Anya and helped her to wake up from sleep. She gave a glass of warm water to his wife. "Drink this first, so that your throat won't hurt. Mother's condition has improved and she can move to a normal room."

Anya accepted the glass and drank it right away. Her throat felt dry from crying all night. Her body also felt weak and a little warm.