Meeting in Prison

"For all the girls in love with someone, I hope you will use the right way to get your crush's heart. Don't do the wrong thing like me. Don't hurt other people to get your happiness. I already regret everything and hope Aiden and Anya live happily ever after. I hope you all won't hurt them."

After Raisa said that, loud applause rang out throughout the room.

Raisa cried as she recalled her ridiculous behavior in the past. She was really sorry.

"Anya has found her true love and I have also found a girl I like now. I hope no one tries to mess up this happy event," Raka walked towards Della with a smile. "Della, do you trust me?"

"I trust you," Della smiled happily because Raka said in front of everyone that she was the girl he liked.

Raka admitted that he liked her!

She really didn't care about Raka's past. The important thing was, Raka loved her!