Beating Up Someone

"Anya, what do you want to do?" Jessica looked panicked.

"Anya, don't...!" Della shouted.

"Jessica, you said you were a good person. But why do you try to provoke others? You know very well about my condition, you know I am depressed, have multiple personality tendencies, but you still got into my nerves. Do you want to die?" Anya grinned looking at her. 

"But you are right... Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I'll kill you."

After that, Anya swung the crutch she was holding at Jessica.

Jessica repeatedly shouted. She took his bag and ran to the door of Della's room. But when she pulled open the door, she realized that it couldn't be opened.

Anya didn't come alone, she came with her bodyguard.

And the guards had received orders from Aiden.

If Anya was bullied, they must immediately protect her, no matter what.

If Anya wanted to bully others, they would help Anya and beat up those who wanted to beat her.