Not Hiding Her Feelings

"Hmm… Agnes will join us later, she said she wanted to meet you. Sister Maria sent this shirt to you earlier and asked you to wear it," said Aiden.

The sleepiness that Anya felt immediately disappeared to thin air. She got up and put on the dress, took out her make-up kit from her bag and put it on.

"How do I look?" Anya looked towards Aiden to show her makeup.

Aiden nodded. "My wife is the most beautiful woman on earth. Do you need someone to style your hair?"

"No need," Anya braided her hair to one side and decorated it with a flower-shaped clip. The order was simple, but it looked neat and exuded her beauty.

Aiden looked at his wife in awe. She looked so perfect in his eyes.

"Come on down. Don't let them wait!" Anya took Aiden's hand and walked out of the hotel room together.

Before Agnes returned to Indonesia, Indah had already told Anya about her.