Gaze Full of Hatred

"Galih just doesn't believe me. Does he think I will hurt his niece? He even considers Agnes to be more valuable than his wife and child. He received a call from Agnes earlier and immediately left us. See how he treats her?" Indah said in a low voice.

"Maybe something happened to Agnes. She has just returned to Indonesia, so she needs a lot of help. Don't you have me? Don't be angry, Mom. If you keep getting angry, you will get older than your actual age," Anya teased Indah as she hugged her arm spoiledly.

"Indeed, my girl is much better than my husband," Indah said with a smile.

Anya leaned on Indah's shoulder and said, "Mother, I know you don't trust Agnes so you decided to stay. For your safety, I asked Aiden to arrange a bodyguard for you."

"Good. I really need someone beside me," Indah took a deep breath. "I can't stay calm with Agnes around,"

At that time, Anya's cell phone suddenly rang. Aiden texted her.