Working at Pratama Group

Anya was confused to see the boy stretching his fingers towards her. Arka didn't hold out his hand, but didn't want to hug her. What does he want?

"Ma'am, the Young Master wants to talk to you," said Arka's babysitter.

"Alright, little boss. I'm listening," Anya said, looking at Arka seriously.

After that, a cute smile appeared on Arka's face. Like his brother, Arka hugged Anya's neck and kissed her cheek repeatedly.

Indah smiled when looking at them. "This little one is really smart!"

"Play with your brother," Anya gave her gift to Arka with a smile.

With the toy car, Arka went after his brother. Before this, they competed with each other in crawling. Looks like they will be competing by using cars now.

Anya learned a lot from her two sons today. She knew that her existence as a mother was very important to them and that she shouldn't be selfishly thinking of herself. In her heart, she promised never to leave her twins again.