
"I own a small entertainment company, manage several artists and the advertising industry! Greetings. Hopefully we can work together next time," Martin handed him his business card politely.

Jonathan received his business card and looked at the company's name on it. "You own a company that has recently collaborated with Atmajaya Group, right? I've heard of it from Aiden."

"Brother, my mother is looking for you. She said there was something my father wanted to talk to you about," Anya said as she approached Jonathan.

"Excuse me," Jonathan accepted the business card and left. Martin was about to ask for Jonathan's card, but Anya stopped him. "Fatty, what's wrong?"

"So your nickname is fatty? It really fits you!" Jenny burst out laughing.

Martin looked at Anya in annoyance. "Don't call me that in front of the crowd. I have a name. My name is Martin."