
"Aiden, is there another way to obtain the land without marriage?" Anya asked.

"We can buy the land at a very high price, or sell the Atmajaya Group mall to Rudi," Aiden replied.

"Then just sell the Atmajaya Group mall to him. What are we afraid of? Wouldn't the mall not sell if Rudi owned the land?" Nico said.

Anya thought for a moment. If Aiden said that selling the Atmajaya Group mall to Rudi was the only way, it meant that Rudi had been eyeing the mall for a long time.

"He has been eyeing the Atmajaya Group's mall for a long time, hasn't he?" said Anya.

"You're smart," Aiden laughed. "You'd better help me at the office. I don't need this idiot."

"I'm not stupid. My wife is pregnant and I have a lot on my mind!" Nico said seriously.

"But you've been a fool for a long time, even before Tara got pregnant," Anya teased.

Nico glared at his uncle. "Uncle, what does Rudi want with the mall?"