
"I avoided him but he was still looking for me. Does he not understand? I didn't like him and tried to run away from him. I've never seen such a shameless person!" Jenny was really angry. 

Her lips pouted. It feels like her appetite has disappeared because of Rudi's arrival.

"Jenny, don't talk like that. Let me meet him," Diana patted Jenny on the shoulder then went out to open the door.

Jenny was silent for a moment but then she had an idea. She pulled out her cell phone and called Jonathan.

On the third ring, Jonathan picks up the call. Without greeting or further ado, Jenny immediately complained, "Uncle, Rudi keeps bothering me! Please help me! I'm at Grandma Diana's now."

Jonathan had just picked up Alisa from school and asked her to go out to dinner when he heard it. They hadn't finished their food when he suddenly got a call from Jenny.