Be Kind to Everyone

"Alright, Uncle. I will listen to you!" She said, looking at Jonathan with admiration.

Jonathan smiled and stroked Jenny's head with one hand, "Sit down!"

Jenny then sat in her chair obediently.

"Gosh, Jonathan. Jenny is not your child," Rudi couldn't stand seeing all this.

Jonathan was a little stunned by that comment. It seemed that his actions just now were wrong in Rudi's eyes. But Jenny didn't seem to mind his attitude.

In his heart, Jonathan promised himself to watch his behavior more. Even though Jenny called him uncle, the girl wasn't a kid anymore.

She was a woman and Jonathan mustn't ignore the way they interact with each other.

When she arrived at Diana's house, it was already 7:30. Anya and Diana's laughter could be heard from the living room.

"Auntie, you are here!" Jenny entered the house happily.