A View on Love

"Let them take care of their own feelings. Don't interfere," Rudi said in a low voice.

"If the Atmajaya Family finds out, they won't care even if it's Jenny who likes Jonathan first. They will assume that Jonathan was the one who teased and lied to her. Jenny is still too young, but my cousin is old enough. He is a grown man and he will be considered a bad person who plays with a little girl's feelings," said Anya. She doesn't want to meddle in other people's business, but she also doesn't want Jonathan to be treated unfairly.

After all, Jonathan was still her brother. And before Anya knew that he was, the man had long been her friend.

Without saying anything else, Rudi immediately pulled Anya away. But the woman did not want to follow him just like that.

"Please let go Madame!" At that moment, two of Aiden's bodyguards immediately approached them. They will not hesitate to beat Rudi if he doesn't let Anya go.