The Man Who Truly Loves Her

"Aiden, can we be friends? Me and Anya are really just friends. I didn't mean to do anything bad. As for Jenny... I don't intend to do anything if she's not really interested in me," said Rudi.

Aiden then looked at him thoughtfully for a moment. Seeing Rudi being really sincere, he finally said, "What's your plan?"

Rudi's eyebrows rose. He didn't expect Aiden to want to work with him. "Jessica's goal is you. I'll arrange and find a man who can keep her company one night, making her mistake that man for you. Then, you can tell the truth after getting the land."

"That sounds evil but I like it," said Anya with a laugh.

Aiden stroked Anya's head lovingly. "If you are happy, we will carry out the plan. But if this plan doesn't work, you will be responsible for your husband's loss."

Anya bit her lower lip. It seems the responsibility would be too big for her!