Looking at My Old Self

"So, for Jenny not to come near Jonathan again, you want to send her to study abroad?" Anya had no idea that the Atmajaya Family was planning to send Jenny away from Indonesia, to separate her from Jonathan.

"Sis Maria didn't agree at first. But for Jenny's sake, she finally accepted it," Aiden said calmly.

Anya felt sorry for Maria. She has just been reunited with her biological daughter after years being apart. But it looks like they are going to separate again now.

"When are you going to send her overseas?" Anya asked.

"After Christmas. Brother Ivan is going abroad to take care of a branch company and he will take Jenny with him. As long as he's around, we can rest easy. Jenny will be fine," Aiden said.

"You had it all planned. Now, as long as dad can win the game, Jenny must obey his words. But none of you asked what she really wanted," Anya also loves Jenny. She felt that it was unfair for Jenny to be treated like this.