Feeling Ridiculous

"Jenny, you are still very young. You can meet someone better in the future. Do you know that?" Jonathan said, stroking Jenny's beautifully flowing hair. Her hair was slightly wet from the rain that soaked the city.

Jenny kept her arms around Jonathan and said, "But they're not you. I only want you..."

"Jenny, sit down on the sofa. I will call Anya and tell her you are here. I won't tell your grandfather for a while, don't worry."

Jonathan took his cell phone and was ready to call Anya. But nervously, Jenny grabbed his hand and held him back. "Uncle, you can't tell auntie. If she found out, Uncle Aiden would know too. They must be looking for me right now. If uncle finds out that I'm here, what should I do if he wants to send me to Grandpa's house?"

"But you can't stay here either," Jonathan looked embarrassed.