
"I'm fine. But Raka…"

"Father has arranged for the best surgeon to treat him. He'll be fine," Aiden comforted.

"Don't worry. I'll call someone and ask about his condition," Bima said. After that, he asked his assistant to call someone inside the operating room.

As soon as the phone was connected, they all knew that Raka's bleeding had stopped and the surgery went smoothly. Bima felt relieved after hearing that. "Don't worry. The surgery went smoothly. Raka will be out soon."

Rian immediately grabbed Bima's hand excitedly. "Thank you. Luckily, Raka is fine."

"No, I should thank Raka for saving Anya. You have a good son," Bima patted Rian's shoulder. "If there is anything you need, you can directly ask us."

"Ah… But…" Just as Rian was about to refuse, Irena grabbed him and said quickly, "Raka can't take care of the company when he's injured like this. He is currently working on several projects that cannot be postponed."