
"Sis, when will you and brother Harris have a child?" Jenny suddenly asked Nadine.

"Your sister and I still want to be alone. Maybe two more years," Harris put his arm around Nadine's shoulders and gently pulled her into his arms.

"But look at Brother Nico and Sister Tara. After having children, they've grown to be more responsible. Their home also feels more cheerful," said Jenny.

Anya then silently looked at Nadine. Seeing Nadine laughing and not taking the question to heart, Anya felt much calmer.

Luckily, there were four children in the house. Bima would normally ask Nadine and Harris to consider having children, but he didn't push them for it.

"I see, Mason and Madison are really tall. Has anyone trained them?" Jenny asked.

"Your brother and sister-in-law have no experience with children so they decided to find a professional nanny as well as a teacher. They want their children to have good posture," said Maria.