Sad and Angry

"Two years ago, you said you liked me and that you would always be Uncle Jonathan to me. Now, do you still want to make it happen?" Jenny blinked as she looked directly at Jonathan.

"I will always be your Uncle Jonathan. You will always be in my heart. I'll never forget you," after Jonathan said it, his cell phone rang. The call came from school.

When he picked the call, Jonathan received the news that Alisa had chickenpox and needed to be sent to the hospital.

"What's wrong with Alisa?" Jenny asked anxiously.

"I need to get to the hospital," Jonathan said, turning and about to leave.

Jenny stood where she was, transfixed and speechless. What did Jonathan really say?

Jenny asked him if he wanted her to still think of him as Uncle Jonathan, but the answer Jonathan gave was that he would always be her uncle.

Jenny already has two uncles and she doesn't need any more.

'Jonathan, can I not be your partner?' Jenny thought.