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"Brother Jonathan and Jenny love each other. Why can't they be together?"

"Is love a must have?" Aiden approached his wife and hugged her.

"But the happiest thing in the world is getting married to the person you love," Anya replied with a serious expression.

Aiden lowered his head and kissed her lips. "In this world, not everyone who loves each other can be together. There is always a reason that separates them. True love can always get through problems, but what's the point of love when they're only going to hurt each other?"

"Do you also mind if Brother Jonathan and Jenny are together?" Anya looked at her husband.

"No, but my father and Sister Maria will be sad. Nico wouldn't agree either. Jonathan is not the partner the Atmajaya Family wants. We can only see his appearance from the outside. The dark side of his heart is still not visible," Aiden took a deep breath.