Make Me Yours

Last night, Jonathan didn't see Jenny's body at all. He wasn't lying when he said that he just changed her clothes after she threw up.

But now, he could see it very clearly. Not a single inch of her body escaped from his eyes.

It's true as Jenny said, her body is extraordinarily beautiful. Besides having a beautiful face and attractive appearance, Jenny also has a great body. 

"Why don't you continue? Are you afraid?" Jenny looked at him nervously.

"Are you sure you want to continue?" He replied, looking back at her. His hands stopped moving.

Jonathan didn't dare to continue. After he took off Jenny's clothes and saw her beautiful body, he didn't dare to proceed to the next stage. 

After all, he was a man in his thirties and Jenny was still very young in his eyes. Besides, he is a widower. Meanwhile, Jenny is still very innocent as she's well cared for by her family.