Back to Work

"Dad, Jenny just got home. Let her rest first. We can think about the matchmaking later," Maria tried to persuade her father-in-law.

"Then, let her work. Why stay at home every day, she'll end up getting depressed." After saying this, Bima looked at Anya. "Anya, you're the same age as Jenny. You should pay more attention to her."

"Okay, dad," said Anya.

"You go home. I'm tired and want to rest." After discussing Jenny's problem, Bima sent everyone home.

"Grandpa, can I stay at Grandma Diana's house for a few days?" Jenny asked.

"No. You're not allowed to live outside until you get married." Now, Bima told all his servants and family members to pay attention to Jenny and guard her closely.

Maria couldn't help but take a deep breath. "Father, let me help you to your room."

After Bima left the table, Jenny started asking Anya for help, "Auntie, you have to help me."

"Help you to be my cousin?" Anya replied jokingly.